Ben Hong is a self-taught developer whose origin story begins when he was a naive kid building cheesy websites like his “Fortune Cookie Universe” on Angelfire using an unnecessary amount of marquee and blink elements. After a few detours and becoming an I/O Psychologist though, he would finally connect the dots and bring his passion for technology and user experience together.
Over the recent years, he has worked across a variety of projects in his career including NASA Earthdata,, helping to fix, and POLITICO. He is currently a Senior Frontend Engineer on the Meltano team at GitLab and is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies.
Aside from coding, he is an advocate giving back to the community through teaching, mentoring, speaking and organizing events. He is a Vue.js Community Partner and Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and works with community leaders across the world. In his free time, you can find him searching for new culinary experiences, traveling the world, or exploring some new hobby he recently learned about.